Saturday, August 20, 2011

White and Fuschia Dragonfruit Coconut Sherbet

Check out this thing: dragonfruit! It's nature's drag queen. Fabulous!
This is what the white one looks like on the inside. The flesh is easy to scoop out. The texture of this fruit is just like kiwi-fruit, but the taste is not nearly as sweet. It's more of a neutral and almost bland flavor.
This is the white dragonfruit coconut sherbet, made by combining (in a food processor) the flesh of two dragonfruit, 1 cup of coconut milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, and the juice of half a lime. Place this mixture into an ice cream maker and run for 30 minutes. The sherbet actually came out too sweet, probably because of the coconut milk I used, which was already sweet. Next time, I'll omit the 1/2 cup of sugar. This recipe is adapted from this one:
Here's the fuschia dragonfruit, cut open. . . .
. . . and the fuschia dragonfruit coconut sherbet.

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